Better learning with AR solutions

E-learning is not only gaining ground due to corona, the world of digital solutions as those with augmented reality also offer an enormous number of possibilities in the field of education and training: On the one hand, learning content can be called up repeatedly in any environment, on the other hand, you can support participants with virtual content during on-site learning - for faster learning and deeper understanding. Until now, solutions with augmented reality for education and training were considered complex and expensive to purchase, but we would now like to prove you wrong.

Learn and comprehend with augmented reality

Repetition and clarity are essential for understanding complicated topics and processes. In many areas, it is not possible to learn directly on the object as often as desired - whether due to spatial separation or because complex systems are not constantly available, since production processes cannot be interrupted at will.

Particularly if the learning content is repeated regularly, for example because you offer certain segments on a regular basis, or if your company frequently trains team members in the same area, the use of the XR Scene App visualization software is worthwhile. The flexible and end-2-end AR standard solution for location-based and markerless augmented reality can be easily integrated via APIs without any development work. For augmented reality in education and training at the push of a button.

  1. Assemble learning content in the form of 3D objects and information into a scene in the backend.
  2. Share the scene with the participants.
  3. Use the scene either location-based, for virtual extensions at specified locations - for example, on the production floor, or markerless, for repeated recall and learning in any environment.
  4. Finally, you can reset the scene and use it again later.
Augmented Reality with XR Scene: Forklift and other 3D objects

Digital learning with AR: logistics

During a training course in the field of logistics, workflows and company processes are on the agenda. For teaching, you use XR Scene App in addition to presentations, texts and videos: Detailed 3D models, supplemented by callable information on structure, functionality and possibilities, can now be repeatedly called up from any smart device - such as a smartphone, a tablet or hands-free even with a HoloLens - and the use of animated objects is also possible. Learners can also interact with the objects, rotate and move them, zoom in and out. Once set up, you can later reuse the scene with the logistics objects as desired.

Try XR Scene App now for free

More AR applications

Augmented reality can optimize your processes, and not just in education and training: Whether in onboarding or events, in marketing or sales, in documentation or production, with Spacific's AR solutions you create more sales and better results at the push of a button. If you have further questions or would like a personal offer, please feel free to contact us, our AR experts are looking forward to hearing from you.

Discover more AR applications

Visualize 3D objects with XR Scene, example bathroom furniture