The most important AR terms at a glance

Here you will find explanations of the most frequently used technical terms relating to our products. If you have specific questions about our solutions, we recommend you take a look at the FAQ. If you still can't find what you're looking for, don't hesitate to contact us - our AR experts will be happy to help.


3D configurator


An application to display 3D content and view it from all sides


Action Points


Points, for example on the AR landing pages of XR Scene Web, via which users can activate further content (texts, links, images, ...).




Application, program to cope with a certain function




An application programming interface is an interface through which other systems can be integrated.


Augmented Reality


The digitally supported extension of the perception of reality by all human senses. Mostly, however, augmented reality refers to visual aspects, i.e. the addition of digital content or virtual objects to images or videos. You can find concrete examples and applications in this blog post.


Augmented Sales


We use augmented sales to describe the expansion and improvement of sales opportunities with digital content. In particular, the interlocking of our measurement and visualization solutions significantly optimizes the business processes in sales. Details can be found on our Augmented Sales landing page.




The infrastructure chosen to provide software as an "imaginary cloud". In this case, applications or services are available that have not been installed on the company's own hardware.


Digital Measurement


Collective term for various technologies for computer-aided surveying, such as laser or LiDAR.




An overall process with an overarching goal that consists of several smaller sub-processes that follow one another in time and logic




Tracking and analyzing the user's eye movements. Devices such as the HoloLens 2, for example, allow users to interact with virtual content hands-free, using only the direction and duration of their gaze.




Function of a solution




A pair of mixed reality glasses from Microsoft that has a standalone mini holographic computer and uses artificial intelligence. More information about HoloLens can be found in our FAQ and here.


Intelligent 3D models


The automatic and immediate conversion of the determined data into a 3D model, which can be dynamically supplemented with notes and functions and can be used directly for further processing. See XR Scan.


IoT / Internet of Things


The Internet of Things is a collective term for a global infrastructure whose technologies connect virtual and physical objects across systems.


LiDAR sensor


LiDAR stands for Light Detection and Ranging. The technology, which is related to radar, uses three-dimensional laser scanning to measure optically.




Location-based services, i.e. object visualization with our solutions XR Scene App and XR Scene Web is possible based on location. Thus, the virtual 3D extensions are bound to defined locations in reality and can only be called up there.




Markerless 3D objects are not bound to any fixed reference points and can be called up arbitrarily in any real environment.




A virtual mesh of polygons for modeling 3D objects, used in digital measurement with XR Scan.




A metaverse is an exclusively digital, virtual space - a fictional universe.


Mixed Reality


Blended reality combines real and artificial perceptions. For concrete examples and applications, see this blog post.




Microsoft's Mixed Reality Partner Program, a community-based program for developers and vendors of MR solutions.




Near Field Communication is the name of a radio technology that enables contactless data exchange over short distances.




PaaS stands for Platform as a Service. Here, the provider takes over the hosting of hardware and software and provides users with a comprehensive infrastructure.




Image measurement, the possibility of determining the characteristics of an object from photographs without contact. The results are usually mapped as a digital 3D model.




A unified foundation on which various application programs can be accessed, executed and developed online.




A portal provides its user with different application functions.


Remote Rendering


An Azure service that harnesses the power of the cloud for highly complex 3D models and streams the results live to your device - allowing lossless processing of even those data volumes that exceed the physical capacity of your device.




Saas stands for Software as a Service. This distribution model provides software on a license basis.


Single Sign-on


Single sign-on for users to subsequently use multiple services and services on the network without having to sign on again




The ability to resize - related to 3D content as well as our solutions that flexibly adapt to any size of business.


Spatial Anchors


Spatial Anchors are fixed virtual points that are anchored in reality. The cross-platform developer service lets you create mixed reality environments with objects that maintain their position over time across devices.


Standard solution


Standard solutions or standard software refers to applications that are compatible (almost) across the board and can therefore be used/adapted very flexibly. In contrast to individually developed solutions, standard solutions are often significantly more cost-effective and extensively tested.


Virtual Fitting


The virtual try-on: Here, users use augmented reality to try out products by virtually integrating them into their real environment.


Virtual Reality


A digital, computer-generated representation of reality. You can find concrete examples and applications in this blogpost.




Wearables are small computer systems that are worn on the body or head, such as smart watches or HoloLens.




The ability to see and experience augmented reality via a web browser. Instead of a separate app that needs to be installed for other AR applications, all that is now required is to enter the URL or scan the QR code. See XR Scene Web.