The most important AR terms at a glance
Here you will find explanations of the most frequently used technical terms relating to our products. If you have specific questions about our solutions, we recommend you take a look at the FAQ. If you still can't find what you're looking for, don't hesitate to contact us - our AR experts will be happy to help.
Points, for example on the AR landing pages of XR Scene Web, via which users can activate further content (texts, links, images, ...).
The digitally supported extension of the perception of reality by all human senses. Mostly, however, augmented reality refers to visual aspects, i.e. the addition of digital content or virtual objects to images or videos. You can find concrete examples and applications in this blog post.
We use augmented sales to describe the expansion and improvement of sales opportunities with digital content. In particular, the interlocking of our measurement and visualization solutions significantly optimizes the business processes in sales. Details can be found on our Augmented Sales landing page.
Collective term for various technologies for computer-aided surveying, such as laser or LiDAR.
Tracking and analyzing the user's eye movements. Devices such as the HoloLens 2, for example, allow users to interact with virtual content hands-free, using only the direction and duration of their gaze.
The automatic and immediate conversion of the determined data into a 3D model, which can be dynamically supplemented with notes and functions and can be used directly for further processing. See XR Scan.
Location-based services, i.e. object visualization with our solutions XR Scene App and XR Scene Web is possible based on location. Thus, the virtual 3D extensions are bound to defined locations in reality and can only be called up there.
A virtual mesh of polygons for modeling 3D objects, used in digital measurement with XR Scan.
Blended reality combines real and artificial perceptions. For concrete examples and applications, see this blog post.
A digital, computer-generated representation of reality. You can find concrete examples and applications in this blogpost.
The ability to see and experience augmented reality via a web browser. Instead of a separate app that needs to be installed for other AR applications, all that is now required is to enter the URL or scan the QR code. See XR Scene Web.